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"Emotional muscles are needed for happiness and sturdiness in the face of

life's ordinary and extradordinary


Novick & Novick, 2011

Emotional Muscle




Photo credit: Bhuvanesh Gupta


Mental health providers and educators

studied what parents need to

raise kind, productive, creative, and joyful

young people. Using a non-profit preschool laboratory in Ann Arbor, Michigan, they discovered that parents can develop emotional muscle in themselves and in their children. 


If parents remove obstacles and minimize frustrations, they interfere with a child's opportunities for emotional growth.

Parents Can Help Children Build Emotional Muscle 

                                    Karen Baker, MSW

   Director of Child Development at the Allen Creek Preschool

       Parenting Tips

Tip #1

Talk About Failure


Give examples of your own failures. There are plenty of opportunities to fail in life. Normalize it. Most failures won't have long term consequences. 



Tip #2

Tolerate Discomfort


Get comfortable with your child's distress. Support & validate your child but avoid fixing things for them. This communicates you think your child can't handle what is ahead. 


Tip #3

Expect the Shift



Your level of involvement in your child's life should change as they move into adolescence & adulthood.

Tip #4

Leave Room for Boredom


Allow young people to be creative, problem-solve & tolerate being alone. 

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